Stress Analysis - Ti-Dawgs for 500i

Stress Analysis - Ti-Dawgs for 500i

An analysis of titanium felling spikes for Stihl 500i.

Stress Analysis of Titanium Ti-DAWGS for Stihl 500i Result:  Ti-DAWGS are stronger. Ti-DAWGS are made of 0.125 thick titanium - OEM dogs have 0.100 material.  Material has higher yield strength and more efficient shape.

The Stihl MS 500i chainsaw is becoming a popular professional use chainsaw for a variety of loggers, arborists, and others who desire a light weight yet powerful saw. The main selling point for the saw is that it monitors and injects fuel electronically into the crankcase via a fuel solenoid or fuel injector rather than mixing air and fuel in the traditional way through an old-fashioned carburetor. 

Want more?  Read the full Stress Analysis of Titanium Ti-DAWGS for Stihl 500i: Ti-DAWGS

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