Why the Name Schwaniger?
Schwaniger Enterprises is named in honor of Mr. Arthur John Schwaniger Jr. of Louisville, Kentucky who died after a long decline caused by Parkinson’s Disease. The business is named in his honor to carry on his namesake after his death.
Mr. Schwaniger, who was referred to by friends and family as “A.J.” or “Art”, was born in Louisville, KY and attended Ahrens Trade School. He later attained a physics degree from the University of Louisville in the 1950s and was later drafted into the U.S. Army.
Mr. Schwaniger’s superiors quickly noticed his training and skills in the fields of mathematics and physics. A.J. began work with the ballistic missile program at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. His agency later became known as the Marshall Space Flight center under direction of NASA. A.J.’s career spanned the multiple missions to the moon and several shuttle launches. Mr. Schwaniger wrote several technical reports during his career that help immortalize him. See more at http://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp.
Mr. Schwaniger was a generous man.
A.J. rented rooms in his home throughout his career at Huntsville to students at highly subsidized rates. He helped students with a gamut of topics from calculus to faith in God. He intended to help numerous students attain a college education because he himself felt blessed to have a degree. Mr. Schwaniger was himself grateful for the scholarships and generosity of others and he therefore passed along the favor.
Thank you, Mr. Schwaniger.
Mr. Schwaniger never had any children to carry along his Schwaniger name. This business is therefore named after him with the aim of carrying on his name, his dedication to excellence, and his service to his country. Mr. Schwaniger retired with 35+ years of stellar public service. He is buried in Louisville, KY.